Clash of Empires Legion against Legion The Battle of Pharsalus 48 BC
In this article I’m going to use the Clash Battle System to recreate the Battle of Pharsalus 48 BC. This battle was the turning point in...
Clash of Empires Legion against Legion The Battle of Pharsalus 48 BC
Clash of Empires Caesar against the Germans Battle of Vosges Sept. 58 BC
Clash of Empires Caesar against the Celts Battle of Bibracte July 58 BC
Clash of Empires The Battle of Carrhae 53 BC
Clash of Empires The Battle of Cynoscephalae 197 BC
Clash of Empires The Battle of Trebbia 218 BC
Clash of Empires The Battle of Issus 333 BC
Clash of Empires: The Biblical Conquest Game. The Pharaoh Tefen-Ra versus the Sea Peoples
Clash of Empires: The Biblical Conquest Game Reign of the Pharaoh Tefen-Ra
Clash of Empires The Battle of Marathon
Quick Reference Cards for Biblical Clash
Clash of Empires Battle System Revealed