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Clash of Empires: The Biblical Conquest Game. The Pharaoh Tefen-Ra versus the Sea Peoples

Martin Boulter

Updated: Jan 3

In this article, the intention of which is to demonstrate the Clash Battle System procedure, we pick up where we left off in the chronology of the fictional Pharaoh Tefen-Ra. It is now the third regnal year of his reign and Pharaoh concerned with reports of attacks by the Sea Peoples both by land and sea upon Anatolia and the Levantine coast resolves to increase the security of Egypt and its Canaanite vassal. Therefore, he sends the Anubis division to reinforce Canaan and strengthens the garrison of Lower Egypt by moving the reserve Re division from its current base in Nubia back to its main base at Heliopolis in Lower Egypt. Furthermore, Pharaoh transfers, on a temporary basis, his royal court from Thebes in Upper Egypt to the former capital Memphis in the Nile Delta. These precautionary measures prove to be wise as in the fourth monthly turn Lower Egypt is invaded by a migratory horde of tribal peoples which consists of a loose confederation of Sea Peoples and contingents of Libyans. They are accompanied by their wives and families carrying their possessions in ox-drawn carts and clearly intend to settle in the region of the Nile Delta. With great speed Pharaoh at the head of his army, which consists of the Re and Montu divisions, confronts the tribal horde just within the Egyptian border with Libya. All is set for an epic clash between the Pharaoh Tefen-Ra and the Sea Peoples.

Clash of Empires

Using the Clash of Empires rules the battle strength and capabilities of the belligerents can be shown as follows: -

The Egyptians have a well-trained and disciplined professional army which has 2D10 Battle Dice (highest scoring die only) and a Combat Rating of ❸. They also have Forced March which gives them a +1 bonus to Initiative. For Battle Bonus calculation the Egyptians get a +1 Shooting modifier for Integral Archers, a +2 modifier to Infantry Melee for Supreme War Leader in Command and a +1 to Mounted Impetus for Light Chariots. In contrast the Sea Peoples and their allies have a Warband army which uses 2D6 Battle Dice and has a Combat Rating of ❶. Apart from their numerical strength their main advantage is their Special Ability Battle Rush. This is because the Sea Peoples are the main contingent of the army with the Libyans making up the numbers. An army with Battle Rush relies upon the momentum of a ferocious charge to sweep an enemy away. For this reason, the Sea Peoples get a +3 modifier to Infantry Melee. They also get a +2 modifier for Supreme War Leader in Command, but due to an inferiority in the number of Light Chariots fielded by these warriors they suffer a -1 modifier to Mounted Impetus. The Combat Rating (CR) is dependent upon the number of units and converts into a Fighting Bonus (FB). This whole procedure is called a Battle Roll.

Clash Battle System

After rolling for Initiative the Battle Roll for each army consists of the following procedure:

  • Roll Battle Dice (highest scoring die only)

  • Plus, Combat Rating (CR) to Fighting Bonus (FB) (conversion dependent upon number of units).

  • Plus, Battle Bonus calculation and Double Bonus if applicable.

  • Plus, Advantage Dice (representing a numerical, tactical or other special advantage)

Highest score wins and the difference between the two Battle Rolls determines the number of casualties.

Conversion and Casualty Tables not shown.

Biblical Battle Log

Domain = Nilotic Region (Egypt) 

Battle = The Fields of Apis                    Date: Year 3 Turn 4


Battle Dice

No. of Units and CR to Fighting Bonus

Battle Bonus

Battle Advantage Dice

Total Score

1D6 +1

= 5



 10 and 5

(Highest Die Only)


No odds or evens

8 Standing Army units.

(1O.OOO troops incl. 400 chariots i.e., 2 army divisions)


x 8 = +6 FB


16 Points


Converts to


= 4


10 + 6 +4 = 20

Battle Bonus Calculation Table

Battle Factor (1D6)



Points Value


+1 Integral Archers



Infantry Melee

+2 Pharaoh in Command



Mounted Impetus

+1 Light Chariots






Total = 16

Roll 1D6 for each Battle Factor and apply modifiers to find total points value and then compare with total FB on the conversion table (in rulebook) to calculate Battle Bonus Dice. Can simplify by rolling 3D6 plus total modifier. Double bonus for odds or evens Battle Dice.


Solo Player: - Neither side wins Initiative so there is no tactical advantage.  Nevertheless, Pharaoh, at the head of his army, “in his majesty raged like a panther” and “by the valour of his arm” crushed the enemy. Despite this boastful rhetoric the battle is a close-run thing. Due to the difference between the two Battle Rolls the Egyptians lose one unit.

Domain = Migratory Horde (Sea Peoples Libyan Alliance) 


Battle Dice

No. of Units and CR to Fighting Bonus

Battle Bonus

Battle Advantage Dice

Total Score


= 5



 5 and 3

(Highest Die Only)


Odds Dice

15 Warband Units

(Over 20,000 warriors)


x 15 = +4 FB


15 Points


Converts to

1D4 = 3

(Double Bonus)


3x2 = 6

Opponent outnumbered 1D6



5+4+6+2 = 17

Battle Bonus Calculation Table

Battle Factor (1D6)



Points Value





Infantry Melee

+3 Battle Rush/+2 Supreme War Leader



Mounted Impetus

-1 Light Chariots






Total = 15

Roll 1D6 for each Battle Factor and apply modifiers to find total points value and then compare with total FB on the conversion table (in rulebook) to calculate Battle Bonus Dice. Can simplify by rolling 3D6 plus total modifier. Double bonus for odds or evens Battle Dice.

*NPD: - The Sea Peoples manage to achieve a Double Bonus with odd Battle Dice and roll high for their Infantry Melee. Thus, the fierce attack of these mainly sword and spear armed infantry gets off to a good start. However, their low FB and poor scores for Shooting and Mounted Impetus restricts them to a 1D4 Battle Bonus. Their score of 3 is doubled to 6 but not even this is enough for them to win the battle. The Sea Peoples and their Libyan allies lose 4 units and are repulsed back to where they came from i.e., the vastness of the Libyan plateau.        

*NPD stands for non-player domain. This means that this domain or tribal group is not represented by a physical player but is instead controlled by the rules of the game, which are overseen ideally by an impartial umpire, but if one isn't available then this role should be shared between the players or a single player if playing solo. 

The Egyptians clash with the Sea Peoples and their allies on the western frontier of Egypt. The Pharaoh Tefen-Ra is so impressed with the sword fighting skills of the Sherden (a Sea Peoples tribe) that he takes a contingent of them into his service to be employed as an elite guard infantry unit. Figures by Irregular Miniatures from their 20mm Biblical range. Painted by Silurian and from the author’s own collection. The numerical strength of each army is denoted by blank coloured poker chips. Game board from the Clash of Empires: The Biblical Conquest Game.

Figure battle showing the Pharaoh Tefen-Ra and his army closing with the Sea Peoples horde. Figures by Essex Miniatures from their 15mm Ancients range. Painted by Silurian and from the authors own collection. Army composition calculated by the Clash conversion table for wargaming.


Boulter, M L. 2009/2023-4: Clash of Empires: The Biblical Conquest Game. A Silurian War Games Ltd publication.

Healy, M. 1992: New Kingdom Egypt. Osprey Publishing Ltd.


Mellersh, H.E.L. 1995: Chronology of the Ancient World, 10,000 BC – AD 799. Helicon Publishing Ltd.


Shaw, I. and Nicholson, P. 1995: British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. British Museum Press.


Stillman, N.R. and Tallis, N.C. 1984: Armies of the Ancient Near East 3000BC to 539BC. A Wargames Research Group Publication.


Various Authors: 1959, 1968 and 1989: New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited.


Article Front Picture

Ancient History. Egypt, King Ramses the Great in a battle. German engraving, 1865. After Alamy. (IY04221809).


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