Clash of Empires Updates
Revised Rules 2025
At the outset of formulating the Clash of Empires rules it was my aim to create a hybrid game that combines the best features of a strategy game with the realism and playability of wargaming on a grand scale. In addition to this the game needed to be versatile enough to be played in a solo format. Overall, these aims have been achieved. However, from the point of its conception the game’s Battle System has relied upon a fixed die roll to produce a Battle Bonus and thereby represent a unique fighting capability of a particular army. However, this arrangement has proved to be too restrictive especially when dealing with multiple battle bonuses. This issue became even more apparent when trying to extend the rules to cover other historical periods. To address this problem, I have now introduced Battle Factors representing the various forms of combat i.e., Shooting, Infantry Melee and Mounted Impetus which together with their respective modifiers gives each player more scope to personalize his or her army. This together with a Points Value system and the odds or evens Battle Dice rule provides a much more flexible combat procedure which can now be adapted to cover other historical periods such as the Napoleonic Wars and WWII without increasing the complexity of the rules. Essentially all that is required is for the player to roll 3D6, add the total modifier and then compare the result with the total Fighting Bonus of the army on a special conversion table. This simple procedure will provide the player with the 1D4, 1D6 or multiple D6 Battle Bonus for his or her army for that particular military encounter. This new format has now been retro fitted to the Biblical and Hellenistic rules. The Biblical rules are now available to buy and the Hellenistic game will be available shortly.
Any previous customers who would like a free copy of the revised rules please contact me with your details.
For additional resources such as updated articles on the Clash of Empires game please check out my blog.